CEO Coaching International

Digital, Print, Event

Dates: Jan 2023 - Present
Role: Freelance Art Director
Tools: Adobe CC, Figma, Affinity

Site link

Team Members:
- Heidi Smith: CMO
- Kateri Karp: Director, Mtg & Communications
- Nyleen Viegas: Director, Events

CEO Coaching International is a Miami-based executive coaching firm providing services to founders, executives, and entrepreneurs in 60 countries globally. I work with CEO Coaching International on a freelance basis, supporting the team’s manifold marketing efforts across event, digital, and print spaces.

I am building upon an established brand style to create pieces that reflect the premium nature of the organization’s services and clients. Among my daily deliverables for the marketing team are eBooks, web graphics, animated and static digital ads, event banners and signage, direct mail pieces, and email graphics.

How to Win BIG as a New CEO:

eBook produced for digital distribution. Targeted at CEO’s new to their roles. Received over 200 downloads within 24 hours of distribution and is an important part of top-of-funnel marketing campaigns.

CEO Masterclass:Negotiating the Impossible

Sub-brand created for yearly business seminars and given a unique theme based on content. This CEO Masterclass took place in May 2023. The event required several pieces of physical collateral that matched the “world-class” nature of the event the speaker, and the audience.


Parkour - Case Study